Odd things on a Roof
The Odd things we have found on roofs.
Often we get called out to do a Roof Inspection due to a leaky roof. Sure it happens, especially on a flat commercial roof. We see all kinds of things that catches our eye while looking around. There is an old sayin that goes: If you have not found a bullet in a roof then you are not a roofer yet. Early on in my career with Shelter Construction we were called out to a commercial location that was being sold. We were asked to inspect the roof and repair any leaks. Low and behold what did we find!
Yep, a BULLET. The kind that comes out of a gun. Of course we plucked it out and repaired the roof. Far to often we find these after someone shoots in the air and it finds it’s way back down to earth due to gravity. But, there are more things that we often find.
- Bullets
- Watches (Yes I found one)
- People’s clothing (Underwear)
- Bottles (have no idea how it gets up over 20 feet in the air)
- Of course Sports balls (Baseball, Softball, Basketballs, Footballs ect)
- TREES YEP, that’s right. Roofs are perfect little hydroponic gardens. We see trees growing on top of them quiet often and in the gutters. You could grow some amazing Tomato plants in a gutter.
Routine Roof maintenance is key for Commercial Buildings. Why? Because a pair of underwear an clog up a drain and cause major leeks within a building. Some scupper drains clog up and cause massive ponds of water on the roof. If not dealt with it will cause a roof implosion. You do not want to be at a desk when the pool implodes above you.
Call us at (434) 300-ROOF for an inspection Maintenance cost a little but, being down for 6 months is much more costly to any company. We look forward to serving you!